Complaints Policy and Procedure

Pancreatic Cancer UK Lottery Complaints Policy and Procedure


Pancreatic Cancer UK fundraises in many ways to provide the necessary funds for the important services we provide. One important aspect of this fundraising activity is the “Pancreatic Cancer UK Weekly Lottery” and other charitable gambling activity such as raffles.

Lotteries and raffles must be conducted in line with the Gambling Act 2005. We hold both remote and non-remote lottery licences which are regulated by The Gambling Commission. In respect of this, our policies comply with the Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP) issued by the Gambling Commission.

Pancreatic Cancer UK employs an External Lottery Manager (ELM), Sterling, to fulfil various aspects of the lottery and raffle programme. Sterling holds their own licence and are also regulated by the Gambling Commission and therefore must also adhere to the LCCP.

This document outlines the policies and procedures we have in place to ensure we observe the provisions of the regulations.

Scope of policy

The Gambling Commission defines a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction made to Pancreatic Cancer UK by any means, about any aspect of the way we conduct the activities for which we hold a lottery licence. For example, a complaint:

  • about the outcome of a lottery or raffle
  • about the way a lottery or raffle has been managed
  • that concerns the way we carry out our business in relation to the three licensing objectives.This policy is in line with our core values of treating all supporters with respect and learning from our mistakes. It applies to supporters and the general public who feel the need to raise a complaint about our charitable gambling activities, service delivery and/ or communications.


We welcome all comments on the work we do. It helps us to learn and improve. We do not look on complaints as unwanted. In fact, they may help us to see where our services or procedures might be improved.

That’s why we will treat all complaints in a timely, fair, open and transparent manner.


Step 1 - Contacting us to put things right

To contact us and make a complaint you can use any of these options:

If you do not use the online form, please include the following information in your complaint:

  • Your name and how we can contact you.
  • The reason for the complaint and any details of what happened.
  • What you would like us to do about your complaint.

Your complaint will be acknowledged and then be investigated by the Individual Giving Manager.

We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days and let you know the name of the person dealing with your complaint who will contact you to ensure we understand the complaint correctly and to ask for more information if this is necessary.

The manager will also explain the process and check with you whether you wish to be contacted again with a response to your complaint. We will then investigate your complaint and provide you with a full response normally within 15 working days.

If the investigation takes longer than anticipated, we will let you know what action is being taken and tell you when we expect to provide you with a full response.

The outcome will be to explain our actions and to offer an apology if we have made a mistake or not met our commitments. We will tell you how we intend to learn from this and how we might change how we work to avoid this happening in future.

Step 2 – Further action if you are not satisfied

If you are not satisfied with the response you receive to your complaint, you can take the complaint further by writing to the Chief Executive explaining your reasons.

The Chief Executive will investigate this or appoint a member of the Senior Leadership Team or Trustee Board. The initial response you received to your complaint, along with the details of the complaint you made will be considered. An outcome will be sent to you within 20 working days and this will set out a conclusion to your complaint.

Step 3 – Final action if you are not satisfied

If you are still not satisfied and we have been unable to agree a resolution to your complaint within 8 weeks (from the date we received your initial complaint), we will send you a letter or email referring you to our ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) organisation. We work with The Independent Betting Adjudication Service (IBAS).

IBAS acts as an impartial adjudicator on disputes that arise between betting / gambling operators and complainants when internal dispute procedures have not resolved a complaint.

The IBAS panel of betting experts apply their specialist knowledge to the facts and will adjudicate by reference to Pancreatic Cancer UK’s Terms and Conditions. They do not rule on complex legal issues.

As well as offering effective dispute resolution procedures, IBAS also check that we have complied with the standards set by the appropriate regulatory bodies and with the IBAS Terms and conditions of registration. IBAS can be contacted via:

  • Phone
    • 020 7347 5883
  • Post
    • Independent Betting Adjudication Service (IBAS)PO BOX 62639LondonEC3P 3AS

Record Keeping

All disputes or complaints made to Pancreatic Cancer UK will be logged on our Complaints tracker and database. If the complaint was made by an existing Pancreatic Cancer UK supporter, it will be retained for 7 years from the date of resolution. If the complaint is a person’s only interaction with Pancreatic Cancer UK, it will be retained for 2 years from date of resolution.

All disputes and complaints made by a supporter to Pancreatic Cancer UK will be added to their record on our database to ensure we have all the relevant information to deal with their complaint or dispute in a timely and effective manner.

Policy last reviewed: 14/03/2024

Next review due by: 14/03/2025


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